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Charity Spotlight

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Food Drive Winter 2023-2024

The Caring for America committee has been delivering the generous food donations offered by our club to local food banks and churches. We are making a difference in the lives of many needy people who have been suffering with the high inflation of our economy. We thank all those involved in this caring effort.

Fall 2023


The RWBC Caring for America committee's fall fundraiser will focus on a very worthy cause: our military. We will be working with a small group of "angels" here in Baltimore County: Angels Supporting Your Troops, Inc. Since January 1, 2010, the mission of this non-profit organization has been to send care packages to active military soldiers in war zones around the world. In lieu of monthly food donations in the months of September, October and December, the RWBC will be collecting items listed on the attached flyer for the care packages as well as monetary donations for shipping fees. Monetary donations can be sent to the address also designated on the flyer. We hope to welcome and hear more about this valuable mission from these "angels" at our November meeting.

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April 2024 Caring for America Committee Initative

Araminta is a non-profit whose mission is to implement education and prevention strategies for victims of child sex trafficking.


A Heartfelt Thank You!

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April 2023

On Saturday, April 29th, the RWBC Caring for America Committee held a Spring Fundraiser for Lost Voices of Fentanyl. LVOF was founded in October 2020 by April Babcock after the tragic loss of her son Austen to illicit fentanyl poisoning. The organization has grown exponentially and holds yearly rallies in Washington, D.C. as well as nationwide to promote awareness, education and prevention of illicit fentanyl poisoning. Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the Baltimore District DEA Brian Crowe also spoke at the meeting. The information shared by both April Babcock and Brian Crowe was informative, powerful, and emotional. Fentanyl is the leading killer of 18-45 year olds in our country.  There has also been a steep increase in fentanyl  deaths involving younger children.  One Pill Can Kill! The RWBC Caring for America Committee raised $1300 at this fundraiser to help Lost Voices of Fentanly continue in its worthy mission.


Caring for America committee members

with April Babcock and Debbie Santini of LVOF
Left to right- Jeanne Townsend, Debbie Santini, April Babcock, Donna Mell, and Barbara Miller. (Not present- Betty Snyder)


April Babcock being interviewed by

RWBC Social Media Director Karen Tully.

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February, March, and April 2023

The RWBC Caring for America committee has launched a Winter Food Drive for the months of January, February and March. With high unemployment and high inflation, there are many who could use a helping hand. Our members generously brought in non perishable items to help the less fortunate during our January meeting. Pastor Chris Colbrecht of the Timonium United Mehodust Church and his lay leader, Jeanette Lagorio, were thrilled to receive these donations for their food pantry.


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Christmas Shopping Fundraiser for Non-Profit HonsHoney

The holiday spirit and shopping began early for RWBC members when the Caring for America committee hosted  representatives from Hons Honey during their November meeting.  Hons Honey is the social/work enterprise part of a larger non profit group called the Well.  The well serves women survivors of sex trafficking, addiction, abuse and generational poverty.   

Sarah Batley, Hons Honey director, brought a team of helpers to participate in our “Pop Up Christmas Shop” that was created to exhibit and sell their wonderful honey products.  Members enjoyed the holiday shopping while knowing that their purchases went directly to help women in need.

            We all learned more about the Well and its good works from Sarah, who gave us an inspiring speech on how their programs lift women up from a life of despair to one of purpose.

            Members may continue to shop for Hons Honey products online and will be given a 10% discount using code RWBC10 through December 31st.

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"Baby Shower" Fundraiser for The Hiding Place

April 2022


The April general meeting of the RWBC was marked by showers of generosity from club members to help women in pregnancy crisis at the Hiding Place. Two decorated tables were filled with donated baby gifts.


The Hiding Place is a non profit residential facility in Towson, Maryland, and is dedicated to helping women facing not only pregnancy crisis, but also homelessness, drug addiction and domestic abuse.


In addition to collecting baby items the RWBC launched a campaign for monetary donations through their club emails, website and Facebook page.  Funds collected will go directly to helping women in need.


Present at the April meeting was Pastor Darlene Marshall who oversees the ministries at the Rock City Church of which the Hiding Place is one and Cindy Guardini who is the residential director of the facility.

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Republican Women of Baltimore County

supports Samaritan's Purse

and their Ukraine support efforts



RWBC members generously donated $200 toward Samaritan's Purse.

This was matched by the club for a total of $400 donated to this cause.  

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Holocaust Survivor’s Hope and Inspiration Continues

RWBC Literacy Committee & Rubin’s Story



Rubin Sztajer, was a Holocaust survivor, who made it his life’s mission to bring a message of hope and inspiration to young people everywhere.


For nearly 70 years Rubin spoke of his experiences as a young boy growing up in Poland during World War II and his unimaginable suffering during the Holocaust. Hearing his story told firsthand was tremendously impactful on more than 500,000 students in Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and the District of Columbia. His message was one of hope and encouragement for all who were fortunate enough to hear. However, Rubin’s message is not limited to a single generation but rather can inspire future students to truly believe in their potential to succeed.


After Rubin’s death, his daughter, Helene C. Johnson, collected his many speeches, transcripts, and interviews and honored her father with a book entitled “Rubin’s Story.”


RWBC’s mission is to send a copy of this book to over 100 Maryland schools where Rubin spoke, to continue spreading Rubin’s work. It has been well-received by 31 schools to date. It is our goal to send out 10 books every month, finishing our project by the end of the year.


We tribute this project to past RWBC President and wife of Rubin, Regina Sztajer.


Sarah Burton, Chairman

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