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A Case for the “Lesses”

By Joanne Seward

9/28/24 Baltimore County Maryland

I read with interest the recent article by Armstrong Williams, published in the Baltimore Sun on Sunday, September 15, titled America is Tilting to the Left. He provided many valid and on-point reasons for why he believes this shift has been happening over time.


Williams attributed the decline of American culture across several categories and socioeconomic levels as a key factor. I largely agree with his assessment and wanted to further explore the notion of the “lesses” in particular. What does this mean?


For starters, the breakdown and constant reshaping of the family structure is a significant issue. Once the family unit is manipulated and redefined, it alters its basic identity. A family that is fatherless or motherless, regardless of the cause of the loss, is undeniably impacted. To thrive and grow into adulthood, children need the nurturing, guidance, and identity that both male and female parental role models, as biblically created, provide.


It would also benefit the family unit to adopt a degree of religiosity and spirituality, which is often lacking in a godless environment. Without a higher power or anchor, the family lacks something to hold on to, or aspire toward, when life becomes difficult. As the old mantra goes, “God did not promise us a rose garden.” Life can be tough.


Within the realm of escalating and continuing violence, murder and the rampant encouragement of drug use in today's culture, we can attribute much of it to being careless, blameless, guiltless, heartless, remorseless, shameless, fearless, lawless, groundless, ruthless, relentless, and seemingly endless.


Turning to education, the “lesses”manifest as increasing truancy and declining academic proficiency. Could the system now be aimless, restless, jobless, and careless?


On a more hopeful note, we are not hopeless. There are those who continue to speak out, defend, and fight for what is good, moral, fair, and just. These priceless, tireless, and selfless individuals are far from clueless about the unfolding challenges facing America today.


In conclusion, let us honor and commend those who, despite the “lesses” that surround us, will always remain forever “more” in our hearts.

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