Is this another election crime that will never be prosecuted?
Tuesday evening April 12, approximately 40 people gathered to watch the newly released movie Rigged, produced by Citizens United Productions. The movie is factual, well researched, on target and clearly explains how Zuckerberg’s $400 million tipped the 2020 election in Joe Biden’s favor. How was the huge donation and intrusion into our election system justified? Simple, under the guise of pandemic election safety. In the end, very small amounts went towards election safety (PPE) instead it paid for Zuckerberg’s team of election infiltrators.
Will Zuckerberg and the “non-profit” (Center for Tech and Civic Life) responsible for donating the money be prosecuted under election fraud charges? Perhaps this article printed 4/13/22 in the Washington Times provides a glimpse into what is really happening with Zuckerberg? He has officially announced that he will no longer donate large amounts for election safety.
The Republican Women of Baltimore County are taking action! RWBC along with The Patriot Club and Maryland GOP Central Committee have requested a statewide voter roll clean-up. See our press release here:
In addition, we are actively encouraging citizens to become election judges and pole watchers. It worked beautifully in the recent elections in Virginia, why not Maryland? We are also encouraging citizens to sign the petition at to request the MOVE TO HAND-COUNT PAPER BALLOTS! Several counties already have hand-count paper ballot procedures to test the vote accuracy so why not expand to hand count all ballots?
Join us for our upcoming meeting on April 16, where American Immigrants will expand on their experiences with election fraud. The meeting is titled, Socialism Does Not Equal Freedom starting at 12:00PM Delta Hotel Hunt Valley. Registration and additional information about the meeting can be found here: