Open Letter to President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, Leader Kevin McCarthy, Senator Ben Cardin, Senator Chris Van Hollen:
The Republican Women of Baltimore County are shocked and heartsick by the murder of our heroic and selfless military warriors in Afghanistan, a preventable tragedy caused by incompetence, stupidity and a lack of compassion on the part of the Biden Administration.
We are also appalled by the Administration’s failure to withdraw our military before safely rescuing Americans and loyal Afghan workers, re-plunging Afghani women into unfathomable depths of horror, relinquishing the Bagram Air Force Base with its capabilities for monitoring China, Russia, and Iran, leaving behind $80 billion of military equipment for the Taliban, giving the Taliban names of Americans in Afghanistan, creating a terrorist haven for the Taliban, Isis K, and Al Qaeda which makes life more precarious for us, emboldening China to take over independent Taiwan, reneging on promises of protection for our allies, and making us the laughing stock of the world.
We urge you to stop and reverse this and other destructive policies and practices initiated after the 2020 presidential election, policies that are detrimental to the United States and our future generations.
Wasteful spending: Congress is passing legislation costing exorbitant amounts of taxpayer dollars on projects that are unaffordable such as free tuition for community college students and bailing out Democrat controlled states which have poorly managed their taxpayer funds. The United States is trillions of dollars in debt while inflation is skyrocketing. Stop breaking the backs of average Americans who pay the price.
The profligate spending of $2.6 billion of hard-earned taxpayer dollars on the uncontrolled flow of illegal aliens into our country: It appears that a significant number of illegals are infected with Covid 19 while border agents are endangered vetting some rapists, thieves, convicted felons, drug dealers, and children the Biden Administration has encouraged to be separated from their parents. Continue building the wall and stop transporting Covid infected aliens around the country.
The Teaching of Critical Race Theory, 1619, and Other Marxist Communist Curricula by Nicer-Sounding Names including Black Lives Matter:
People of all races in the workplace are getting along together more than at any other time in history. Many are enjoying unprecedented success in all endeavors. The teaching of truthful history and the ideals of the founders should be our priority. Emphasis on teaching about skin color and sexuality rather than content of character should be replaced with teaching reading and math, along with respect for people of any color, and the tools to succeed in life. When the United States is 31st in math among developed nations and 8th in reading with great disparity between high and low achievers, it is disastrous for America’s future.
Curtailment of freedom of speech: The Biden Administration and the current Congress are encouraging practices of Communist dictatorships by permitting Big Tech companies such as Google, Facebook and Twitter to delete comment from conservatives. No matter how abhorrent to our current socialist political leaders, curtailment of free speech is not compatible with our constitutional democratic form of government. How can it be explained that Twitter accepts correspondence from the murderous spokesperson for the Taliban but not from a former president of the United States and many conservatives?
The goal of our socialist elected officials appears to be destruction of the independence of average citizens by breaking them financially until they become totally dependent upon government. The leaders can then have full control of our finances, hearts and souls so they can dominate citizens, manipulate them to their advantage, and grab whatever they like. These policies will ultimately impoverish all but the political class and the oligarchs.
The extraordinarily poor judgment calls made across the board by the Biden Administration are unprecedented in the annals of United States history. For this reason, we ask that President Joe Biden and his advisors involved in these various debacles resign for the good of the country.
Dee Hodges, President
Diane Carliner
Ellen Sauerbrey
CC: Maryland members of the US House of Representatives- Anthony G. Brown,
Andy Harris, Kweisi Mfume, Jamie Raskin, Dutch Ruppersberger,John Sarbanes,
David Trone