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Require Guidance on Baltimore County’s Ballot Questions and Initiatives?

By Republican Women of Baltimore County Past President Jolie McShane and Election Accuracy Chair Jean Benhoff

October 18, 2024  Baltimore County, Maryland As we approach the pivotal 2024 election, Baltimore County voters are faced with critical ballot questions and initiatives that will shape the future of our community. While the candidates are at the forefront of any election, the ballot questions often have just as significant an impact on our everyday lives. It is crucial that we cast our votes wisely. Below is a guide to navigating the 2024 Baltimore County Ballot. (Ballot Samples can be found here identified by voting district:

First and foremost: Vote the Republican Ticket 

Though no candidate is perfect, the Republican ticket remains the better choice for Baltimore County. A Republican victory means a stronger stance on family values, fiscal responsibility, and personal freedom. It’s clear that Republican leadership will be a better alternative than allowing the Democratic party to continue its failed policies.


Question 1 – “Reproductive Freedom” 


At first glance, the language of this statewide constitutional amendment proposal might lead some to believe that it’s solely focused on abortion rights. However, the wording includes the phrase “including but not limited to,” which opens the door to policies far beyond what voters expect. This includes allowing minors to receive gender-transitioning treatments without parental consent. For Republicans, this proposal is an overreach into family autonomy, undermining the rights of parents and threatening the welfare of children.

Question A – Increasing the Size of the Council (Baltimore County Residents only)


This proposal seeks to expand the size of the Baltimore County Council, but we must ask: Is this truly necessary? The current council has served us well for years. Expanding the council would not only introduce more bureaucracy but could also lead to diluted accountability. This appears to be a thinly veiled power grab, not a reform aimed at better governance. Let’s preserve efficiency and accountability by keeping the council as it is.

Question B – Establishing an Inspector General (Baltimore County Residents Only)

Vote: FOR

Fiscal accountability is paramount. Question B would establish an independent inspector general to oversee financial matters, ensuring that taxpayer dollars are spent wisely and with transparency. In an era where government waste and misuse of funds seem rampant, this measure is a much-needed safeguard. Voting in favor will help keep government officials in check and promote more responsible use of public resources.

Question C – Implementing Term Limits (Baltimore County Residents Only)

Vote: FOR

Career politicians often lose touch with the people they are supposed to serve. By establishing term limits, we can ensure that fresh ideas and new leadership have a chance to thrive. This measure promotes a healthier democratic process, reducing the risk of entrenched political power.


Vote: AGAINST all Baltimore County Bond Bills

Bond bills represent a deferred financial burden that will fall on future generations. While bonds may fund projects today, they come with interest that taxpayers will be responsible for tomorrow. Baltimore County needs to operate within its means, holding bureaucrats accountable to submit balanced budgets without resorting to debt that our children and grandchildren will be forced to repay. We must demand fiscal responsibility now, rather than kicking the can down the road.

In this election, we have the power to make Baltimore County a place where common sense and fiscal responsibility prevail. Let's vote with a vision for a stronger, more accountable government—one that works for the people, not against them.

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