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Social Media a Double Edge Sword

By 1st VP and Social Media Chair/Reporter Karen Tully

October 22, 2024 Baltimore County, Maryland Baltimore County, Maryland 

As the Social Media Chair, I would like to acknowledge all the hard work of the Social Media Team: Louise Baker, Jolie McShane, Diane Ivey and Sharon Remeikis, Social Media Consultant. Together we have added thousands of followers and been proactive in adding multiple platforms to protect RWBC in the event of a shut down. Just to mention a few of our platforms: Facebook, Truth Social, Twitter, Rumble, Telegram and Instagram. On Facebook alone between RWBC and Karen Tully’s page we have 30,000 to 50,000 reaches a month and with the liberal media censoring us, WE MUST REACH the people!

Social media is a wonderful tool to get the message out but comes with its challenges. As a RWBC reporter and photographer I’d like to share some of my experiences to convey the social media climate that exists in our political environment today. Often, when I photograph a group or interview, many people say, “Please don’t take my picture, I have a business, or I don’t want to be associated with a political party.” Last year, I interviewed a women business owner who had fled a communist county, she explained the many atrocities of communism. After a long conversation, I said “Roll the camera.” The women responded with FEAR,” Oh no, I can’t be recorded, I may lose clients, the FBI could be on my doorstep, it is becoming just like the communist country that I escaped.” IMAGINE, FEAR TO SPEAK OUT IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?

Next, let’s talk about media propaganda and censorship which can be our greatest enemy. It’s like Germany piping in propaganda messages as German families were frolicking in their beautiful homes while people were burning in crematories just miles away.  Recently, Mark Zuckerberg admitted that “The White House pressured him to censor COVID information.” Alexa, Amazon’s digital assistant endorsed Kamala Harris. Facebook monitors, deletes, hides posts and notoriously puts people in Facebook Jail. Recently Facebook required that I submit to facial recognition.

Which brings me to the next point of the technological advancements affecting social media known as the 4th Industrial Revolution. The 1st Revolution was mechanics and steam, the 2ND was mass production and electricity, the 3rd electronic and the internet. The 4th Revolution is CYBER TECHNOLOGY, to name a few aspects: AI, 3D Printing, Mapping, Surveying Humans, Transhumanism and Algorithms that track political views. Elon Musk stated, “Artificial intelligence (AI)could be the greatest threat to our society.”  

With that being said, don’t be discouraged and let’s discuss a solution? I’ll draw upon history and the Christian faith as an example. When Jesus Christ died the apostles were afraid to speak out due to persecution by the Roman government (sound familiar)? How did the message get conveyed? Simply by oral tradition and SPEAKING! Someone asked me,” Why Trump, I responded inflation, the border etc. etc.” I walked away feeling as if I had made absolutely no impact. Sometimes short phrases and words can have a dramatic effect and open a world of concepts. Like after Pearl Harbor was bombed, “We have awakened a sleeping giant,” or Trump has won the election!!  WORDS AND PHRASES CAN HAVE BIG IMPACT and change our world.

 In conflict resolution and communication skills, we start on a positive note, then prepare a strong statement. Stay calm when listening to democrats and liberals, respect that they have a journey and reason for their beliefs. Then be prepared to deliver your well sourced factual statement or question to open their minds. Historically, my question has been “How many people do you think come across the border every month?” All were shocked by the answer of 250,000, some continued to engage in conversation, and I’ve had some converts to the Republican party. This month’s RWBC newsletter has a list of Trump’s accomplishments, pick a few that mean something to you and deliver the message with a punch because SPEAKING AND SHARING our political views and well sourced meaningful words can be our greatest weapon!   

Finally, we have all heard of Facebook “shares, likes and reaches” this has little to do with a popularity contest. They are often used as marketing indicators. When you share your post, it multiplies EXPONENTIALLY.


So please join Facebook and other platforms. FEAR NOT, SPEAK UP AND SHARE for this is your constitutional voice in our fight for freedom. Social media is a double edge sword, let’s use it to win and get Donald J. Trump back in the White House. God Bless America!

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