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What Can We Learn from Haitians and Springfield?

By Barry Chodak

9/29/2024 Baltimore County, Maryland

Thomas Sowell wisely pointed out that in politics, there are no solutions, only tradeoffs.

If your issue is, for which party will I cast my vote, whether Haitians are eating domestic animals is not likely to determine your vote. What it does point to are some key issues in this election. Here are some of the tradeoffs.

Immigration: Open Borders vs Controlled Borders

Resettlement: Subsidies for Housing, Food, Health Care and Education vs No subsidies for undocumented migrants or for untested asylum claimants.

Jobs and the Economy: Guaranteed jobs for Asylum importees vs Pre-screening of asylum claims and limiting subsidized workers competing for jobs.

Inflation: Unlimited Federal subsidies for housing, food, health care and education to asylum importees vs End subsidies for asylum seekers and the NGO’s, with Federal tax monies directed to support US Citizens first.

Crime: Downplay or excuse crime by the undocumented vs enforce our laws and defend our customs. If ignorance is not a defense for us, then it should not be a defense for others.


If you believe in open borders and world governance as a justification for the policies we currently see; and that there is no inherently superior value to historical US culture, then vote for Democrats.

If you believe in putting US Citizens first, then vote for Donald Trump and any Republican who supports the MAGA agenda. Unfortunately, you may need to vote for other Republicans to limit the power of the Democrats in Congress. Only Congress can cut off the funds that are enriching politicians, corporations, NGOs, and the Cartels.


As for Haitians eating domestic animals, they bring their imbedded Voo Doo traditions with them. The other impacts on Springfield and other communities where large numbers of asylum seekers have been relocated, are clear to all. The only question is whether you can justify them and support them versus the impact on the existing US population.  

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